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5:45pm 2.5km Wild Earth ‘Wolf Pack Prowl’

All competitors shall complete their run before any other events are done. If numbers necessitate, wave starts will be implemented in 2-3 minute intervals. Parents are permitted to run with their child without registering (but they will not be timed or receive race inclusions).


6.20pm 12km BROOKS ‘Haunted Hills HUSTLE’

A new time for our longest race! It will be all but dark when you start and well and truly so by mid-run; so it is MANDATORY to wear or carry a torch to participate in this run. There is an 8.00pm cut off for this event - if you do not feel that you are capable at moving at a sufficient speed- noting the terrain and the dark, please choose a shorter event.


6:45pm 6km RUN RESILIENCE ‘Zombie Shuffle’

The sun will have set and the shadows will have grown long when you venture into the forest, SO YOU WILL NEED LIGHTING to get around. Please carry or wear a torch should you feel it necessary. Cut off is 8.00pm.


As always; organisers reserve the right to change the times as required to ensure the optimal athlete experience - please check the Athlete Information Guide sent out in the event week for any changes.


Race numbers will be available for collection on both prior to the race and on race day


Friday October 25

  • 6:00 - 6:40am - Cadence Cafe - 75 Nerang Connection Road, Nerang

  • 4:00 - 5:30pm - Gold Coast Cycle Centre - 1 Hope Street, Nerang

Race Day
Saturday October 26

  • 10.30am – 4.30pm. Come along and check out the action at ‘THE CUT’ during the day and collect your race bib! ‘THE CUT’ is also being held at the Gold Coast Cycle Centre, 1 Hope Street, Nerang.

    • 2.5km ‘Wolf Pack Prowl’ – 4.30-5.30pm proudly supported by Wild Earth

    • 6km ‘ Zombie Shuffle’ – 5.30-6.15pm proudly supported by Run Resilience

    • 12km ‘Haunted Hills’ – 6.15-7.00pm proudly supported by BROOKS

  • We are staggering the collections to reduce congestion and help maintain social distancing.

Refund Policy

OPTION 1) ENTRY TRANSFER a) TRANSFER TO NEW PARTICIPANT You can choose to transfer your entry to another participant for a $10 fee (payable by the recipient - plus whatever the agreed figure is that they pay you). After October 15th, this fee increases to $15. Entry transfers to new participants will be accepted until 1:59pm, Saturday October 28th. How do I transfer my registration? New simpler process that YOU can complete! b) DISTANCE TRANSFER This covers an existing participant transferring to a different distance to which you are currently registered. Note that if you wish to move from short course → long course you will be charged the additional entry fee; there is no fee refund when transferring from long → short. There is no additional charge for this transfer. Entry transfers to a new distance for existing registered participants can be completed up until 1:59pm, Saturday October 28th. How do I transfer my registration? New simpler process that YOU can complete!

OPTION 2) ENTRY FEE REFUND You can choose to take a refund of: 75% of entry fee returned for withdrawals up to 4 weeks prior to the event 60% of entry fee returned for withdrawals between 2 and 4 weeks prior to the event 50% of entry fee returned for withdrawals between 48 hours and 2 weeks prior to the event No refunds if withdrawing less than 48 hours prior to the event. If seeking a refund; please email


Non-Running Activities

In addition to The Cut being run, there will be plenty of other stuff going across the day:

DJ during the day and live music (in the evening);

Casual games


Coffee & food vans

fisiocrem Massages


Trackside bar

Jumping Castle & activities for the kids

Runners and spectators are encouraged to bring a 3x3 gazebo, picnic rugs, board games, grazing platters - whatever - and make a day out of watching the race and enjoying the fun at The Cut.


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