Race packs and numbers will be available for collection on race day. If numbers necessitate; a pre-event collection will be added.
Refund Policy
OPTION 1) ENTRY TRANSFER a) TRANSFER TO NEW PARTICIPANT You can choose to transfer your entry to another participant for a $10 fee (payable by the recipient - plus whatever the agreed figure is that they pay you). After midnight May 26th, this fee increases to $15. Entry transfers to new participants will be accepted until 1:59pm, Saturday May 31. b) DISTANCE TRANSFER This covers an existing participant transferring to a different distance to which you are currently registered. Note that if you wish to move from short course → long course you will be charged the additional entry fee; there is no fee refund when transferring from long → short. There is no additional charge for this transfer. Entry transfers to a new distance for existing registered participants can be completed up until 1:59pm, Saturday May 31.
OPTION 2) ENTRY FEE REFUND You can choose to take a refund of: 75% of entry fee returned for withdrawals up to 4 weeks prior to the event. 60% of entry fee returned for withdrawals between 2 and 4 weeks prior to the event. 50% of entry fee returned for withdrawals between 48 hours and 2 weeks prior to the event No refunds if withdrawing less than 48 hours prior to the event. If seeking a refund; please email steve@trailtrips.com.au

Participant Expectations
We expect that participants of the ‘In the Raw’ Trail Run events will be mindful of the fact that we are guests of ‘Raw Challenge Gold Coast, Queensland Parks & Wildlife Service, Gold Coast City Council and the Numinbah Valley community and we particularly note the following:
Participants found littering or vandalising any section of the course, either within the ‘Raw Challenge’ property or on the course, may be disqualified from the event.
Participants are to remain on the marked courses at all times. Do not trespass on neighbouring properties or into the National Park or Conservation Area.
Participants and spectators must drive to and from the event safely and be considerate of where they park. The event has it’s own off-road parking area. Please utilise this facility and refrain from parking on the roadside. We STRONGLY encourage competitors to car pool to reduce the stress on the immediate environment and planet earth as well :-)
Please be considerate of residents of Numinbah Valley and keep noise at a minimum when arriving at and leaving the event.
Participant Safety
We have taken considerable care in event planning to ensure that the events are safe and enjoyable.
There are a few key points that you need to be aware of:
Any vehicular traffic on course will be there for the benefit of competitor safety or in case of emergency, please allow them passage.
Marshals will be placed along the run courses, in addition to signage, to direct runners. Please ensure that you listen to and follow marshal directions.

