Course Maps
We have new courses so once we have finished the dodging golf balls, we will have updated maps; but read on for an insight into what lies ahead!
All of the events start and finish on the Alabaster Fileds (East). You’ll all run the length of the football pitch before exiting onto a fenced off section of the car park, heading east towards Alabaster Drive. Once at the road, runners will make a right-hand turn and make their way to an entry point on the Emerald Lakes Golf Course. Upon entering the course, runners veer right and cross the bridge between holes - and that’s where things start to vary for the different distances.
The Emerald Lakes Golf Club 1.25km Junior Bolt turns right after the bridge, re-emerging onto Alabaster Drive and returning to the start/finish line. The Essential Energy Solar Dash heads down the 7th fairway, turning around on the picturesque sixth fairway before returning along the same route to the 8th tee, exiting onto Alabaster Drive and heading back to the start/finish arch.
The mygcphysio 4k and Run Resilience 4k Pram Push exit the Golf Course proper at the 6th tee and have a short out and back run on the shady Wetlands path before following their outbound route back to the finish. The fisiocrem 9km and 13km events continue on; both races enjoying the shady Wetlands path until it meets Birmingham Road, turning left and staying on the footpath to the Golf Course access gates where they return to the pleasure of soft grass underfoot!
The (now) 9k and 13k events follow the fence line around the residential area, before emerging at the footpath, leading to the underpass, allowing the runners move safely to the eastern side of Birmingham Road. The 9km runners only have another 350m before looping back around to the underpass and following the same route back to the event precinct and their finish.
The 13km event however crosses Lakeside Drive and has another 2km of beautiful lakeside running before their turnaround. As with all other races, the 13km event retraces its outbound route, before finishing on the fields at the event precinct!