EVENT DATE: Tuesday 31st of December, 2024
2.5km - 4:00pm
1.25km - 4:30pm
13K - 5:00pm
9K - 5:15pm
4K - 5:30pm
Pram Push - 5:32pm
Junior Dash – it is hoped that all competitors in 2.5km Essential Energy Solar Dash shall run and complete their race before we commence the 1.25km Emerald Lakes Golf Club Junior Bolt. Parents or guardians are permitted to run with their child without registering (but they will not be timed or receive race inclusions). Only one person maximum is to accompany any one participant.
Lighting – Sunset is at 6:46pm on this day, there will be ample light on course until 7pm. We ask that runners keep their own safety and that of the volunteers in mind, and select the appropriate event for them that sees them home before dark.
Times: As always, organisers reserve the right to change the times as required to ensure the optimal athlete experience!​​​
Race packs and numbers will be available for collection both prior to and on race day.
A mail out option is available. This option closes early due to the risk of delivery delays over the busy December period. Note that group/family packs for the same address can be combined to save. Note: You must register and select this option before midnight Tuesday December 3rd to allow time for delivery over the busy Xmas period.
Per individual - $8.95 Group/Family - $13.95
Friday December 27
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Wild Earth; 25 Central Drive, Burleigh
Saturday December 28
7:45 AM - 8:15 AM
Mudgeeraba Parkrun
Saturday December 28
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Emerald Lakes Golf Club – cnr of Alabaster Drive and Nerang-Broadbeach Road. Collect your bib and play a complimentary round of mini-golf!
Monday December 30
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Wild Earth; 25 Central Drive, Burleigh
Race Day Bib Collection
Junior Participants – 3.00-4.20pm (‘Emerald Lakes Golf Club’ & ’Essential Energy’ Solar Dash)
‘Run the World’ 13km – 3.45-4.50pm
‘fisiocrem’ 9km – 4.25-5.05pm
‘mygcphysio’ 4km & ‘Run Resilience’ Pram Push – 4.00-5.15pm
We are staggering the collections to reduce congestion. Please take advantage of pre-race day pick-ups or the mail out option (register and select before midnight Dec 3rd) or observe the allocated times above to assist in a smooth process.
Entries shall remain open ONLINE right up until race time (unless sold out), however we recommend early registrations for planning purposes (and to save yourself money)! All entries; early and late, shall receive the race bib AND, upon completion of your run; your selected race inclusion/s, FREE race photos and a complimentary drink or Zooper Dooper (not all items available to virtual competitors). Any merchandise purchased during registration, can be collected at any time throughout the evening. Items not collected will have to make arrangements witht he organiser to collect or pay postage to have the item/s delivered. Merchandise will be available for sale on the night.
Come prepared for a fun evening; bring your blankets, camp chairs and even marquees. The Wild Earth Community Carnival will be in full swing, a number of food trucks will be available on site and the open air bar will be operating!Your 2024 Wild Earth Resolution Run singlet!
The Emerald Lakes Golf Club restaurant will also be operating and is available for bookings.
Refund Policy
OPTION 1) ENTRY TRANSFER a) TRANSFER TO NEW PARTICIPANT You can choose to transfer your entry to another participant for a $12.50 fee (payable by the recipient - plus whatever the agreed figure is that they pay you).
OPTION 2) ENTRY FEE REFUND Or you can choose to take a refund of: 75% of entry fee returned for withdrawals up to 4 weeks prior to the event 60% of entry fee returned for withdrawals between 2 and 4 weeks prior to the event 50% of entry fee returned for withdrawals between 2 days and 2 weeks prior to the event Virtual option (or transfers) only for withdrawals less than 2 days prior to the event. If seeking a refund; please email steve@trailtrips.com.au

Course Information

We have new courses so once we have finished the dodging golf balls, we will have updated maps; but read on for an insight into what lies ahead!
Check the course maps page to learn more.​​