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The Cut Ultra Marathon will be a variable length running event.

  • Each individual will run a different distance depending on when they get Cut.

  • You may also choose to Cut yourself (from the race - not with scissors) at any time.

  • The event is timed - but the results will be based on the distance that you run. We will use the electronic timing to give you stats, determine team results etc. and confirm our culling process!! But the time itself is irrelevant!


The Cut Ultra Marathon may not be an ultra-marathon for you; in fact, it won't be for a large number of participants.

The event will consist of 33 x 1.5km laps, followed by a 500m ‘HOT LAP’ to decide the winner - this is the most any runner will need to run, however most runners will not run this far.


A "safe runner" is any runner not in the position(s) of getting Cut on a given lap.

  • There will be well-identified cyclist (Cut Rider) who will ride immediately behind the last safe runner - if you are behind the Cut Rider, you are in a position that will see you Cut at the end of the lap.

  • After each 1.5km lap, the event will pause until the last "safe runner" finishes the lap. Anyone behind this runner will be Cut.

  • After the last safe runner crosses the lap finish line, there will be a 20sec countdown before commencing the next lap.


There will be no cuts on the first 6 laps (9km) - all runners are considered safe - except there is a 15min time limit on each lap.

  • You will be removed from the race if you do not complete your lap(s) in under 15mins.

  • There will still be a 20sec countdown between laps during these first 6 laps - the countdown will commence upon the last runner crossing the lap finish line, or at 15mins, whichever comes first.


We will begin making Cuts at the end of lap 7.


The number of people Cut at the end of each lap will be determined pending final participant numbers.

  • A minimum of 2 runners will be Cut at the end of lap 7 (these runners will have completed 10.5km in total).

  • There will be a steady flow of Cuts at the end of each subsequent lap, until we have a handful of runners remaining to run the final - 34th - lap.


There will be a refreshment break at the end of lap 11 (16.5km) and lap 23 (34.5km). This will give runners time to use the bathrooms, refuel, rehydrate and assess their competition and strategy.


The ultimate winner will be the runner first across the finish line at the end of lap 34. Finishing positions prior to the 34th lap are irrelevant when awarding the ultimate winner!


There will be additional category awards, including:

  • Most laps won - runner who finishes the most laps in first place; and

  • Most laps completed by a team/club/group. Prizes for most overall and most pro rata i.e. the team total divided by number of team/club/group members - meaning even small teams/clubs/groups can win - Minimum 5 people to form a team/club/group.

    • e.g. if you register as a group of 10, and each runner runs 10 laps, your group score will be 100 laps and your per capita score will be 10.



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